GUIDE: Service Management in the HMS

GUIDE: Service Management in the HMS

This guide is intended for General Practice, Clinical Psychology and Radiology clinics (Note: There is a separate guide for Pathology Lab Service Configuration).

NOTE: Please ensure that you have the required permissions in your organization to manage services (if you can not see the "Services" module, then you don't have the required permissions).

In the HMS module menu select the "Services" module.

This will open the "Services" module and show a list of all the services offered by your company.

Step 1. Indicates the number of services that there are in the full list and the left and right chevrons allow you to switch between each individual service.

The last two buttons allow you to switch between Kanban and List views (each view is useful for certain use cases).

Step 2. Click the "Create" button to create a new service.

After clicking on the "Create" button there will be a series of forms to be filled to create the new service (consultation or procedure).

Step 1: Enter the name of the service (consultation or procedure).

Step 2: Ensure that the "Can be Sold" box has a check mark next to it. "Can be Purchased" and "Can be Expensed" should not have check marks next to them.

Step 3: Under the "General Information" tab

Product Type: Select "Service" from the dropdown list.

Hospital Product Type: Select "Consultation" or "Procedure" depending on the type of service that is being created (Note: A service can only be a Consultation or Procedure). 

Product Type: The default value of "All" is appropriate.

Internal Reference: Set this field to the Medical Aid TARIFF_CODE of the Service, this will be beneficial for searching the service by it's name or internal reference.

Barcode: Leave blank.

Sale Price: Enter the price of the service if it was to be paid for in cash and not by a medical aid funder (Note: the sale price is not inclusive of VAT, it is added at a later stage and only if your company is VAT registered).

Customer Taxes: By default is blank but if your company is VAT registered then this field should be set according to the required standards of the Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS).

Cost: The default value of 0.00 if appropriate.

Company: This field is blank by default but must be set to the name of your company to assign the newly created service to one company (Note: this is a crucial field to be set correctly).


Step 4: You can capture any internal notes about this specific service.

Step 1: Under the "Medical Aid Codes" tab. This is where we capture medical aid information for the service.

Click on "Add a Line" to add a new line with medical aid information.

Step 2: Under "Name" enter the TARIFF_CODE of the service, if this specific service is not funded by medical aid funders leaving this section blank is required.

Step 3: Select a medical aid funder from the dropdown list. (BOMAID, BPOMAS, PULA, BOTSOGO).

Step 4: This is the sale price that medical aid funders are going to pay for this service (Note: this information is provided by medical aid funder and is exclusive of VAT).

Step 5: The default value of 0.00 for "Percentage Covered" is appropriate since this value is determined by each patient's medical aid policy and plan.

Step 6: Once the sections we covered have been filled correctly and you are satisfied with the configuration you may save them by clicking on the "Save" button.



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