Create New Journals to Register Claims Payments

NOTE: Please note that certain privileges will be required to effect this change.

Step 1: Log in to HMS.

Step 2: Open the left-side menu and select "Invoicing".

Step 3: From the top menu select "Configuration" and a sub-menu will open then select "Journals" from the sub-menu.

Step 4: A list of existing journals will pop up, and to create a new journal select the "Create" button.

Step 5: Fill in the required fields (highlighted in blue) and the optional fields if the information is available.

Note: The short code is used to uniquely identify each journal (e.g., BNK1 for Bank, CSH1 for Cash, CLM1 for Claims).

Step 6: Select the "Save" button to save the new journal or the "Discard" button to not create the new journal.

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